Large-Scale Application Management on Kubernetes
In today's fast-paced digital world, large-scale application management is important. As companies more readily embrace microservices frameworks, the dilemma of deployment, scaling, and maintenance has become more complicated. Kubernetes has gained…
SLO-Based Multi-Stage Delivery: Enhancing Software Development with Keptn
Introduction SLO-Based Multi-Stage Delivery The software development industry is very dynamic, and there is always a demand for delivering quality applications. Developed software is required to be innovative and launched quickly without…
KrKn for Chaos Engineering in Managed Services
What is Chaos Engineering? Chaos engineering is an approach to today’s software systems that seeks to strengthen the internal integrity of the system by subjecting it to experiments in live conditions. This…
Cloud Custodian for Policies Management: A Comprehensive Guide
There is increasing complexity in the cloud environment today which calls for the need for effective management of its cloud resources and realization of compliance to policies. Cloud Custodian provides…
Why Enterprises Need to Build Cloud Native Applications?
Introduction to Cloud Native Applications Applications developed and deployed using cloud-based technologies are known as Cloud-Native Applications. They are hosted and managed in the cloud, or run from end to…
Cloud Native Storage Solutions: Comprehensive Guide
Introduction to Cloud Native Storage Solutions: Efficient Data Management Cloud-native is a new paradigm for developing and running software applications that incorporates technological trends such as cloud computing, containerization, serverless, and microservices. Cloud native…
Cloud Native Network Functions: The Ultimate Guide
Introduction to Cloud Native Network Functions A cloud-native network function (CNF) is a service that executes network functions in software rather than dedicated hardware. Because of the huge and low-cost…
Cloud Native Architecture Patterns and Design
Introduction to Cloud Native Application Before reading about Cloud Native Applications, we must be aware of the term pattern, so in layman, the term pattern is the art of figuring out a…